Helping us to help others since 2006
"A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead
Nominate your deserving shelter and we will choose one and send them a Vapor Clean machine when possible.
As the years pass, it is our wish to continue to share a part of our success with others. Without you we could not accomplish this. While giving to local children's organizations as a former foster parent and shelters at the holidays beginning in 2006 we expanded this wonderful opportunity to give to well deserving organizations and animal shelters throughout the years.
We continue to maintain the tradition of donating returns to animal and wildlife shelters across the USA. Our guarantee of new unused products to our customers opened this unexpected, yet desperately needed and appreciated product to a cause close to our hearts. Our restocking fees cover the cost of your transaction to credit card companies, shippers etc. We at Vapor Clean in turn donate the actual returned product and shipping wholly to shelters in need as our thanks.
Steam cleaning not only provides cost savings but also brings health benefits to underfunded animal shelters and their dedicated volunteers. If you would like to get in touch with us, please fill out the contact form located at the bottom of this page.
Please fill out the contact form below.
From Humane Society of Tuolumne County -
Vapor Clean, I personally wanted to take a moment to say thank you for supplying our shelter with a Vapor Clean machine, this unit is phenomenal! We use it every day since receiving it through your grant/donation program and truly didn't realize what we thought were clean floors were not until we received the unit.
Your company provided us with a professional cleaner that we did not have the funds for and truly want to tell you how much that has meant to the animals in our care and our shelter overall.
Once again, words cannot express how deeply we appreciate your help and kindness. And, I've included a couple of photos of the unit in use!
May your holiday season be the best and here's to your continued success in 2014!
From Coco’s Animal Rescue Efforts of Seymour:
I wanted to let you know that we just received our Pro6 Duo and scheduled a shelter cleaning day right away to put it to use…holy cow, what a difference! The cleaning that would have normally taken us an entire day was done in only a couple hours, without the chemicals and Read More...
...waiting around for everything to dry while shuffling disgruntled cats from cage to cage. It is a massive relief, not only to get that time back, but to also have peace of mind that everything is perfectly sanitized for the health and safety of our animals.
From Julia to Vapor Clean:
I would like to nominate my local animal rescue, CARES (Coco’s Animal Rescue Efforts of Seymour) in Seymour, CT to be considered for a donated steam cleaner. We are an all-volunteer nonprofit and are constantly beset by ringworm and other illnesses, especially with the hundreds of sick kittens we take in each year. Since we have to ensure each pet is healthy before adoption, ensuring the environment is sanitized to prevent infection is a top priority! The burden of these protocols means our already overloaded volunteers are simply not able to help as many pets, and it breaks our hearts to run out of space when there are so many animals in need. A heavy-duty cleaner would make a world of difference to our volunteers and let us spend all that cleaning time elsewhere. I hope that you’ll consider us for a donation! CARES is a wonderful local organization…so great, in fact, that after adopting my two young cats I returned to become a volunteer myself! We can be found at and if you have any questions, I’d love to talk to you!
Thanks so much,
From Vapor Clean to Julia:

From Resilient Hearts Animal Sanctuary:
On behalf of all of us at Resilient Hearts Animal Sanctuary, we cannot thank you enough for the industrial strength steam cleaner. We have been battling all kinds of cooties that cause our rescue pups distress and this will make a huge difference in our ability to provide the best care possible for our pups. Read More...
We are an all volunteer animal rescue out in Seattle, WA. We have a physical space in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle that provides an opportunity for people to interact with animals. There are so many lonely folks these days and it's such a blessing to be able to connect people to animals, even if they can't adopt one. Recently we have taken in some pups who came from horrendous conditions. They had a bad case of worms. We do use professional grade disinfectants like Rescue, but steam cleaning is really the best, nontoxic way to eradicate them and protect our animals. We have cheap plastic steam cleaner from Walmart, but it's just not doing the job, and we could REALLY use a professional one to get rid of these parasites.
We're doing our best, but would gratefully accept one of your returned steam cleaners should you have one.
Thanks so much for considering this request.
RHAS Adoption Coordinator

From Life Line for Pets:
I have told so many people about your wonderful products. I have used my Pro5 for several years to keep my home clean and safe for my cats. I want to tell you about my favorite pet rescue group, Lifeline for Pets in Pasadena/Monrovia, CA. This group has about 100 needy animals in it's care at any given time. Please consider donating a vapor steam cleaner to help them keep their Cat Pad safe and clean for these animals. They have a limited group of volunteers that care for the animals, and a cleaner would be a tremendous help to them. Here is their site, to help you get a closer look at their good work.
Thank you for helping the animals, Cathy Los Angeles, CA
From Sugar Glider Guardians:
Dear My Vapor Clean,
On behalf of Sugar Glider Guardians (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping sugar gilders in need), I want to thank you for your generous donation of an awesome steam cleaner to our recent fundraiser. Not only will the proceeds of the fundraiser go to help sugar gliders in need, like those pictured below, but the steam cleaner will be donated to and used at the New England Wildlife Center to help rescued animals there. This was a truly generous donation and we are extremely grateful to you for your kindness.
There will be so many animals helped because of your generosity. We sincerely appreciate you and think of you as true sugar glider guardians!
Alea Holladay
Founder, Sugar Glider Guardians -
From Full Hearts Cat Rescue:
Our newest intake, Benny, settled into a freshly steam cleaned foster room after spending a few days in a quarantine kennel. @myvaporclean donated a steam cleaner to us and we haven't had a chance to show it off. It's saving my back, I don't have to squat down and contort anymore using those little handheld steamers. The heat of steam kills so many pathogens.... Read More
... and parasites. Benny has been waiting for a space in our rescue for several months, waitlisted before our intake hiatus. He is 7 years old, recently neutered, combo tested negative. He used to live with other cats, so he may be a candidate for the cat cafe later, or go to a foster that has a cat already. For now we are letting him decompress in one of our foster rooms at home base.
From Full Hearts Cat Rescue:
My name is Ian T Small, I am the Vice President of Full Hearts Cat Rescue, a fully volunteer 501(c)3 based in Rochester NY. We were hoping to apply for a donation of one or more steam cleaners to help us in our mission to cat for the health and well being of community cats.
Currently we're struggling with clearing out a parasite outbreak at our main foster house, which has delayed adoptions and pushed us even further past our comfortable capacity. From what we've experienced this is a round worm resistant to all chemical cleaners, and the only solution will be through and regular steam cleaning.
We hope to not only steam sanitize our main foster house, but also be able to treat every foster house experiencing any issues. In addition, we'd like to offer a cleaning service to our recent adopters to ensure the health and safety of all the animals who were under our care.
Long term, our mission targets the care and rehabilitation of outdoor stray, feral, and community cats. Part of that mission involves tending outdoor feeding stations and shelters. I would love to begin a regular program of steam cleaning these structures to improve the health of the cat community at large in our area.
Thank you in advance for your time and generosity,
Ian T Small
From Vapor Clean:
We have a Pro6 Duo that had the wheels damaged a little by a packaging mishap. Would you still be interested in a steam cleaner?
Your email request has sat way too long and we would love to help you out.
From Full Hearts Cat Rescue:
From Rabbit adoption
Santa Barbara County Animal Services:
"Oh my goodness! This machine is AMAZING!!! I went through all of the set up instructions yesterday and cleaned/sterilized 5 hutches!! Rabbit urine dries to a hard scale which normally takes soaking with vinegar to remove. Needless to say, staff never had the time nor inclination to remove it. There must have been years of build up in these hutches! I used the Jet nozzle to get rid of all of that build up and then used the triangle with Read More...
a cover to steam everything else. The hutches look fantastic, staff said they look like new! Next time I'm there I'll use the stainless brush to work on the rust on the catch pans. For now I know they are clean and safe for the occupants. I can't believe I actually had FUN cleaning. LOL! The results are so obvious that it's actually quite a rewarding experience. I can't thank you enough for sending this machine. You have made a huge difference in the life of the bunnies already"
- Jenny
From Jenny to Vapor Clean:
I've been reading up on the best ways to sterilize facilities to keep animals healthy. One day I would love to purchase one of your steamers for myself. We have rescue rabbits and cats as well as chickens, ducks, goats, sheep and donkeys at home. The fight against Coccidia and other protozoa and pests seems to be an unending battle for so many species! That said, I am not writing about my personal situation but about the animal shelter where I volunteer.
During COVID, the shelter shut down their volunteer program. I'm sure you are aware that shelters are generally understaffed by hardworking employees who can barely do the minimum to keep animals safe and healthy. After COVID rules were lifted, I became the first and only volunteer to return to work in the "Rabbit Resort". I have 2 house rabbits of my own and know that when it comes to shelters, rabbits come far down the line after dogs and cats. It's unfortunate, but many still think of rabbits as cage animals. They are as smart if not smarter than dogs and require outdoor exercise and enrichment as well.
Since starting at the shelter, I have taken over volunteer operations for the rabbits and have been recruiting and training more volunteers. Sadly, we seem to be in a constant battle with coccidia. We have 1 rabbit who just finished treatment but several more that are currently suffering with the disease. Space is at a premium and the Bunny Barn also houses Guinea Pigs in the limited space. These poor girls are housed together in a single hutch and currently being treated for Coccidia. To prevent reinfection and spread to other animals, it's imperative that the hutches and runs, bowls, hayracks, etc are cleaned and sterilized daily. Unfortunately we are not staffed nor equipped to do the job adequately and it's an uphill battle.
The best way to prevent the spread is correct hygiene and regular sanitation. The spores can only be killed with 10% ammonia solution, or steam over 165 degrees. Ammonia is not a safe or easy substance to work with in a crowded shelter environment. Additionally, it really can't be used to sanitize the floor of the outdoor exercise runs. We have 8 rabbit runs and the bunnies should be getting a minimum of 4 hours daily to get out and exercise. It's not possible to do this safely without a way to sterilize these runs. The shelter really needs a steam unit to stop the spread of this disease now and prevent the spread in the future. The high stress of a shelter environment sees too many otherwise healthy animals succumb to these things. A steamer could be used throughout the shelter for not just rabbits, but dog and cat enclosures and runs to sterilize and protect against a host of infectious diseases! Healthy, happy and socialized animals are certainly much faster and easier to find homes for!!
There has been recent turnover in the department, with a new director and two new supervisors recently onboard. I'm set to train administration staff next month and oversee their training of kennel staff after that. I will obviously stress the importance of cleanliness but currently they are using Rescue, which is not known to be effective against Coccidia and only using that between new occupants! As previously mentioned, Ammonia is not really a safe option in this setting. One of your steamers could save the suffering and lives of many animals, but it is not in the budget. They don't even have funds for the fresh greens that are required as part of a rabbit's daily diet, relying on volunteers to bring those in! If you can see it in your heart to donate a steamer, I will make sure that it is used throughout the shelter to help save the health and lives of all of these poor stray and abandoned animals.
Thank you for your consideration, Jenny
Rabbit adoption and volunteer coordinator
Santa Barbara County Animal Services
From Vapor Clean to Jenny:

From Laura To Vapor Clean:
Laura: I am President of a 501c3 tax exempt animal rescue org. in MN. Our shelter from which adoptions of stray/homeless animals are done needs a steam type cleaner in order to stop the spread of potential disease. Every penny from adoptions pays vet bills of which are discounted in order to contain adoption fees. Donations are non-existant due to this economy. We all hold down full time jobs in order to stay above water. We have been in operation for 6 yrs and worked hard to build a respectable reputation in our community. Using chemical such as bleach are toxic to these animals. We have used other products that are "green" but are not working. I have put some time into researching steam cleaning machines that would not only clean the floors, walls and ceiling but the kennels of which have doors that are the biggest problem killing bacteria. Your products appear to be the best in the business and of course way out of our reach. Would you ever consider donating either a returned machine, slightly damaged, floor sample or demo or possibly a new one? This type of maintainence would eliminate alot of illness that appears to be coming from the kennel area. Anything donated of course is tax deductible. I would be happy to write a testimonial on your behalf as well that would show the public you have compassion as well as a social conscience. So many of these animals go into the kennels healthy after exams are done by Veterinarians and their surgeries are healed. Yet within 7-10 days they come down with colds that hamper adoption efforts thus restricting animals waiting for our help. I would be most grateful if you could check into this for me. I can also fax any supporting docs you would need. Sorry for the length of this! I appreciate your time and consideration. What department would you like to speak with?
Vapor Clean: Hello. We will be more than happy to help you.
Laura: THANK YOU!!!
Vapor:Clean Shelters are always a wonderful thing. If you can give me your email address, I can pass this info along.
From Neal & Susan To Vapor Clean:
I am dreaming of purchasing one of your steamers because of my household of ten rescue dogs. Most are geriatric and due to that, are less housebroken than they used to be. Goes with the territory. Due to high med bills for four of them right now, I cannot afford one. But I've got one on my wish list! However, I know of a place that needs one even worse that I do! In looking at your website, I see that you make donations to shelters.
My husband and I have been involved in rescue for years and for many of those years we helped St. Clair County Animal Shelter. It is a small shelter located in Pell City, Alabama. As you can guess, they are not located in a wealthy county, but do the best with what they have. They are the only shelter in a rural county and are, unfortunately, a kill-shelter out of lack of any other options. They do absolutely EVERYTHING possible to avoid that end for every animal that comes through their doors: thru weekly mobile adoptions at a local PetSmart, contacts with breed rescues across the south, transports to other shelters/rescue groups, etc. They have a small contingent of volunteers who do their best to find homes for as many dogs and cats as they can. I know one of these steamers is something they would dream of having, but it is not in their budget either. If they could be so lucky as to get one, I know they would use it to it fullest potential to help save the lives of those that are so in need of help, especially in these days of abandonment and lack of money to spay or neuter.
Here is their website:
It would be so awesome if you could please select them to be the recipient of one of these incredible machines. Thanks so much for this special thing you do to help the helpless! It's a rarity these days!
Susan Trussville, Alabama
From Vapor Clean to Neal & Susan:
Dear Susan, Thank you so much for your heartfelt email. It is such a joy to see an email of such value and substance in our world of email boxes overcrowded with junk and matters of nonsense. Thank you so much for making our world and theirs a better place. We would like to send a Pro5 to the Shelter. Can you give me the correct person to direct it to? Also for your home and your family (that includes the dogs) I would like to send you a Vapor Clean II. This is a great starter for steaming and will handle your challenges. We will be happy to help you in any specific cleaning tips after you receive your products to make the most out of them. If you would also provide where you would like your machine to be sent, we will get both on their way next week. We thank you again for making our day count. Sincerely, Kathryn